Creative Lighting Ideas For Your Home

It’s that time of the year when you’re redoing your room to give it a fresh look. Lighting is always relatively standardized and very often overlooked. Most people think of adding a fancy light fixture to existing holders or a chandelier to serve as a focal point. But what if you switched things up?

To adequately light a room, it doesn’t have to be limited to overhead lights. You can entirely change the look of your space and exert more control over its mood and décor with these fun and creative ways:

Floor Lamps

Floor lamps can illuminate the night in a dimly lit space. The standard lamps are either battery-operated or electrical. If you purchase smart bulbs, you can manage the brightness and power of your floor lamp using your smartphone or smart speaker.

To completely replace ceiling lights in any area of your space, use extra-tall, bright floor lamps. For maximum lighting, a room can alternatively be lit by a single bulb next to a mirror or by multiple floor lamps evenly distributed throughout the room.

Sconce Lamps

The sconce is a fancier term that describes floating lamp posts branching out from walls. Even though sconces are mounted on walls, they don’t require installation except for a simple plug-in to any electrical socket.

The best method to put sconces is in pairs, one on either side of your bed or any piece of furniture that needs to be accentuated via lighting. You can also evenly distribute many sconces down a hallway or utilize them as ornamental accents in your living room.

Pendant Lights

A mount-and-plug option that goes well with living room sconces, the ceiling plug-in pendant lights are contemporary, and you only need one or two of them to light a whole space.

Install a hook to your ceiling before running the pendant’s cable through it to install them. Lighting shouldn’t create tripping hazards, so thread the pendant’s wiring around the room, so it fits in with the walls and doesn’t run over the floor. Keep the switch close at hand but just out of sight.

String Lights

These lights might not be the brightest, but they’ll undoubtedly add a whimsy to your décor. You can add multiple ropes and either scatter them around or bunch them together, depending on the aesthetic you’re trying to create. Spreading string lights across the ceiling can make it look like a starry night. Kids love this!

They also work wonderfully when highlighting door and window frames or empty spaces above couches, beds, and other pieces of furniture.

Table Lamps

Table lamps on side tables can provide additional light where floor lights and pendants might be unable to. They needn’t be bland. Place an elegant Alabaster Table Lamp made of a translucent stone base and linen shade. These luxurious lighting accessories for interiors are excellent for additional lighting solutions if you’re working or reading.

LED Strip Lights

LED strips are excellent for emphasizing dimly lit spaces for movie nights or romantic meals. LED strips can even brighten the inside of cupboards and cabinets with ease. Some interior designers add these lights to the bottom of a bathroom’s cabinet to add dim lights for those late-night washroom breaks.

You won’t need to drill holes or add hooks to mount LED strips. Remove the tape’s sticky backing, gently fix it, and you’re done. Even though they are simple to install, you can’t rely on these nifty lights to completely light-up a space. They should be used as secondary, not primary, light sources.


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